Brother Corp. Has Been Busy!
Find Out More On Brother's Website!
Turn-Key Solutions, Inc & IMTS.
TKS asks you to meet with us at the show at Yamazens Booth #338640 to get a look at Brothers Speedio. This Unmatched production machine could be the solution you are looking for!
Call 616-819-8398 to set up a concrete meeting, or just stop by the Booth and look for the TKS shirt!
Turn-Key Solutions at IMTS- 2018
You can find us working at the Yamazen Brother Booth or at the Yama Seiki Lathe Booth.
Stay tuned as we will be posting the Booth Numbers shortly.
Feel free to contact us in regards to Tickets and Scheduling appointments.
See you at the show!
Check out this Article Concerning the Awesome Capabilites of the Modern 30 Taper Machine.
Help Wanted!
We are now looking for experienced personnel for the following positions-
CNC Machinist
Design Engineer/Technician
Robotic Engineer/Programmer
Shop Apprentice
Please contact 616-949-9606 if you are interested in applying or for additional information.
Great look at Brothers R450x1
Come Visit Us At IMTS in Chicago!
Just stop on down to booth S-8640 for Brother or Booth S-9476 for Yama-Seiki and ask for Dennis, Greg or Nate.
Speedios New BIG brother.
Z- (12.0)
TKS Has Relocated!
We have doubled our space to 10000 Sq Ft.
We have more room for engineering larger systems. More space for
CNC programming training. More space for building CNC Machine
Fixtures and Robotic End of Arm Tooling.